There is no one like you. You are unique and your training should be too.
We believe that every athlete should have the opportunity to be trained with unique, specific to you, training.
““It doesn’t matter how fast or how far you’re going. If you’re putting on your shoes and going out for a run, you are a runner, you are in that club.” ”
At Persistent Running, we are with you, like a family, as a team, together striving after that goal, constantly working towards growth. Our athletes have been with us for years. We don’t just see training as a 18 week ‘season,' but just as important are all the other seasons. The mini breaks, the continual adjustments, are just as important as a race season. Because at Persistent Running, we are continually working together through the ups and downs of life and running, striving toward the common goal of pushing and persistently chasing after becoming a better athlete, friend, wife, mom, and person.
Let’s chat about your goals, submit this athlete questionnaire to GET STARTED!
firm or obstinate continuance in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition.”
Persistent Running
Persistent Running was born out of a desire to help women enjoy running and do things they never thought possible.
Here at Persistent Running our desire to give female athletes the individual support, encouragement, training, care, and accountability that they deserve.
We desire to provide community to help women create friendships, find support, and encouragement as they chase after their own, unique goals.
Our mission is to be a valuable resource, a friend, an encouragement, and the biggest supporter of our athlete’s dreams and goals.
Chase your goals. enjoy the journey. find joy in each run.
Why would I invest in a coach?
We understand there are plenty of free training plans out there and a variety of methods/approaches/and theories on training for races. But, let’s take a moment to think about how it would feel to have someone along with you - for your entire training cycle. How would it feel to have someone you could ask any question at any time of the day (and not have to search google for about 100 years before you found the answer)?
A coach isn’t just someone who takes the guess work out of your training, but also serves as a resource, a mentor, friend, and encourager. Someone who always has your back, and helps you reach the goals you set out before yourself. A coach is someone who helps you have faith when you feel like giving up and keeps you accountable. As busy moms of two, we also know how valuable it is to have someone on your ‘team.’ To feel like you have someone who has vested interested in your success and is actively helping you get there.
Your goals are important to us and we want to make sure you achieve them. We also know that you are capable of such amazing things, whether you see that or not! It is amazing what happens when proper training, but a little dreaming come together. Amazing things happen, I promise.